A Small Introduction From App Advisor


Very quickly, who am I?

Well hi, my name is Nathan Roberts and I am a student studying ICT and computing; hopefully this being my stepping stone as a way to introduce myself to the industry. As you would’ve probably guessed, I am an avid tech enthusiast and I have a keen interest in the advancements currently being made in electronics. For example, I have been a devoted iPod supporter since late 2005 when I received the fifth generation version of the iPod Classic for Christmas. Fast forwarding to more present times, I purchased an iPod Touch second generation sometime in 2008 and just recently got myself an iPhone 4 which I absolutely love. I am also a keep fit kind of chap which in the near future I am hoping to create a means of housing this separate side of my enjoyment, again hopefully in the form of probably another blog. AND, as you have noticed, I am not very good at introductions.

So, getting back on topic; why did I start this blog?

Yes, back on topic we go *slap to the face*. Ever since my beloved second generation iPod Touch I have been collecting a number of different apps, some more memorable than others. I remember my first app being Crash Bandicoot: Nitro Kart 3D which was fourth at the time for most downloaded app of 2008. Since then I have gained a lot from reading other peoples reviews and opinions on apps. I wouldn't say I was the one to nit pick, but sometimes I have found them to be wrong; what it said on the  tin (or review in this case) was nowhere near what I got. This blog will be a means of expressing my opinions on all the latest free and paid apps, as well as (later on) offering guides and technical support on the main issues and problems people are experiencing, both software and hardware related.

What can you expect to see posted?

I think majority of this question has already been answered, the rest is probably obvious. I got a few tricks up my sleeve, so watch this space.

Thanks for taking the time to read this submission, any comments I would be very grateful of,

App Advisor (or on a more personal level, Nathan)